| June 21, 2018

Safety First, Second and Always

Every month should be a safe month. But in June, the National Safety Council (NSC) gives a safety shout out to reducing injury or death in areas in which we spend the most time – on the road, at home and work. As part of the month’s activities, NSC provides free educational materials and articles associated with a weekly theme.

Aligning with the message of “Falls Week,” VAA continues to offer its employees OSHA 10 training. Almost 70% of the firm has completed the OSHA 10 training course since the inception of the VAA Safety Program in 2015. The in-house sessions teach individuals to recognize hazards and protect themselves from injuries in the workplace. At VAA, the focus is on jobsite hazards and the conduct expected from employees visiting these locations to promote safety.

“Our priority is the health of our employees,” said Program Safety Manager, David Olheiser, PE. “As a company, we offer individuals training to instill confidence and comfort when on site. The value is in being aware – from using fall protection to recognizing confined space constraints and electrical hazards to OSHA rules and compliance.”

Additionally, VAA recognizes the value of safety and ergonomic health in the office. A pervasive improvement to office tools began in 2016, including availability of converting sitting-to-stand-up desks and continued tweaks to lighting, seating, work surfaces, etc. “There is a balance that has to take place to ensure we’re using resources effectively,” noted VAA’s IT/Facilities Manager, Nat Schmidt. “That said, we’re always watching for proven methods and recommendation from employees and vendors on what we can do to enhance employee health while working.”

Does your firm offer a Safety Program? Visit the NSC website to learn more about safety and how to start your own program.

Fall Safety & Additional Safety Resources:

Fall Hazard Awareness
Hidden Dangers in the Office
Additional Resources

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Whether you need a new or expanded facility, a process designed or debottlenecked, life safety or structural analysis… VAA can help you grow.

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